If you are looking for how to leave a review on vrbo then you are in right place. In this article, you will learn about leaving and editing vrbo reviews as a guest. Normally, both guest and host have a time period of 1 year to leave a review on vrbo.

If any one of them first writes a review then the other participant will have 14 days to leave a vrbo review.  During the time period of 14 days, both reviews will remain private. After fourteen days, these reviews will publish on the official website.

how to leave a review on vrbo

In this article, we’ll cover both methods of leaving a vrbo review as guest and host. Firstly, To leave a guest review on Vrbo is a very simple and easy process. Apply the following steps to leave vrbo review as a guest.

How To Leave A Review On Vrbo as Guest

A guest can leave vrbo review on check out day. On this day, check your email inbox. If you have fulfilled the property review requirements then you will get a link within the email to leave a review.

To submit a review on vrbo by using your account, apply the following steps.

  1. Firstly, get log in to your vrbo account by using email ID.
  2. Next, go to “My Trips” located under the profile name.
  3. Open your past trips and choose specific reservation.
  4. Now click at “Leave a Review” button.
  5. Provide stars rating from 1 to 5 according to your experience.
  6. Lastly, hit the “Submit” button.

Once you have done it, Vrbo will send a confirmation email to you. This email will tell you about your review follow the content guidelines or not.

Your review will remain hidden until the host submits his review. After 14 days, Vrbo will publish both reviews on the site.

How Do You Leave A Review On Vrbo As Host

In this section, we’ll discuss how to manage them as a host. After leaving reviews by guests, hosts can also submit reviews on Vrbo. In order to get more 5-star ratings, just ask your guests to leave reviews.

Basically, vrbo asks for reviews from guests on the day of check-out. But the hosts can increase the chances of getting feedback by asking them for reviews.

A host can submit a review after guest checkout. Go to your vrbo review dashboard. To rate your guests, apply the following steps.

  1. First login to your vrbo account and open “dashboard”.
  2. Next, select a property and move to “Reviews”.
  3. Now, find the traveler you want to review.
  4. In the review tab, click on “Rate Traveler”.
  5. Provide your guest with 1-5 stars rating and hit the “Save” button.

If any host will review his guest after 3 days, then Vrbo will send an email consisting of a link to leave a traveller review. If a host reviews his guest first, chances are that the guest will review you in return. That’s why the host should take the initiative.

Both the host and the guest get 1 year to write the review but if either of them leaves it first then the other party has only 14 days to submit their review.

Why Can’t I Leave A Review On Vrbo

You can’t leave a review on vrbo because only one participant of the rental party can submit a review. When you have written a review, Vrbo will send you an email telling you if you have followed the review guidelines or not.

Both side reviews will be kept confidential and will be published after 14 days. This type of two ways review system will ensure transparency and build trust between two parties. Because of this, both hosts and guests can rate each other according to their experiences.

How Do I Edit My Review On Vrbo

Unfortunately, you can not edit your review on Vrbo after it’s been submitted. After the submission of your review, Vrbo will send you an email telling your review to follow the guidelines or not.

But you can edit star ratings.

Edit a star rating 

If the content of the review is not according to the star rating then you’ve 60 days after the review submission to request a rating correction.

Delete a review 

If you want to delete a review as guest or host then you can do it by contacting vrbo customer service here.

Final Thoughts

WikiAns hope that you have got the answer to how do I leave a review on vrbo? In this article, we’ve discussed both the ways to leave a Vrbo review as a guest or as a host.

Later on, you have read about why you can’t leave a review on vrbo. Guests can also share their experiences in the comment section below.

See Also: How to see my reviews on Vrbo

Read Also: How to leave a review on Booksy

By WikiAns

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