If you are looking for how to change name, email, password, and phone number in Agoda then you are in right place. In this article, you will learn about how you can update your email address, password, name and phone number in Agoda app or website. Agoda is now included in of the top booking platforms where you can book flights, hotels, airport transfers and much more.

Agoda works just like other booking services like Priceline.com, Kayak, Booking.com, Rentalcars.com and OpenTable. If you have made an account on Agoda and want to change your email address then you can do it by using the steps, given below. People all over the world use Agoda to book budget hotels, homes, apartments and villas for their travel occasions. The headquarters head office of Agoda is placed in Singapore.

How to change email in agoda

Changing name, email, phone number, and password in Agoda consists of very simple steps. First, you need to visit the official website of Agoda and then log in to your account. After that, you can change or update Agoda booking details, name, email address etc. For full information, please read the below paragraphs.

How To Change Email Address In Agoda

Users can easily change or update their email addresses in Agoda. At this time, Agoda is not offering any option to change or update your information. However, you can contact Agoda customer support and ask them to change your email address.

To change email in Agoda, apply the following steps:

  • First, click on “Change Email” button, given below.
  • Next, you will see “Submit A Request” form.  Fill out all the required fields.
  • Enter the previous email and type “Change My Email Address” in the subject field.
  • Explain problem in “Description Box” and set “Priority” according to your need.
  • Next, in the drop-down list choose “Technical Assistance >> Update Contact Details”.
  • Fill out all the other required fields.
  • Lastly, once you have done click on “Submit” button.

By using above steps, you can submit a request to change your email address in Agoda. After some time, support team will reply to you with all the information and will update your contact details. 

How Do I Change My Phone Number In Agoda?

In order to change your phone number in Agoda, customers can apply the steps given in the above paragraph. in the email contact form just replace “Subject” to change my phone number.

In the description box, explain your issue and request Agoda customer support to change your phone number. You can also change your Agoda phone number in your profile menu.

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click on “Profile” section.
  3. Next, tap on “User Details”.
  4. Click on “Edit” button next to your phone number.
  5. Enter a new number and click on submit.

If you are unable to see above steps in your account then please reach customer support and ask them to update your phone number.

How To Change Password In Agoda?

If you have forgotten your Agoda password then don’t worry here you will get the solution to change it. Carefully apply the following steps to change the password in Agoda.

  • First, you need to visit the official website of Agoda.
  • Then click on “Sign in” located at the top right.
  • Next, scroll down and click on “Forgot password”.
  • Now write your “Email address” and verify you are “Not a robot” captcha.
  • Lastly, click on “Reset password”.

After that, you will get an email from Agoda, open it and apply the next steps to change your password. It will ask you to write your new password and then repeat it. Finally, click on the “confirm” button.

How Can I Change Name in Agoda Account

Now you will know how you can change your name in your Agoda account. Agoda users can easily update their information by using the following steps.

To change name in Agoda, read below.

  1. First, open official Agoda website and log in to your account.
  2. Next, go to your “Account Section” and click on “Profile”.
  3. Now click on “User Details”.
  4. To change name in Agoda, click on “Edit” link.
  5. Update your name and tap on “Save” button.

By using above simple steps, you can change your Agoda account name online. For more information, you can ask us in the comment section below.

Read The Following Helpful Tips Related To Agoda Changes

If you have made any changes to an upcoming booking then you will get a confirmation email from Agoda.

  • After making changes in your booking, you will see a price difference. If the new price is lower than the previous then you will get a refund. However, if the price is higher than the previous price then Agoda will charge that amount from your account.
  • If you are a host then you can manage your own policy regarding changes in booking dates. For example, some hosts don’t allow to change the booking dates in busy seasons.
  • Those users who are unable to change their bookings can cancel their previous bookings and re-book with new dates.
  • Some hosts allow a free cancellation policy. Also, if you have cancelled your booking before the “cancel by” date then your cancellation will be free of cost.
  • In order to read the host’s cancellation policy, go to “booking conditions” section in your account.

Final Thoughts

WikiAns hope that you have got the answer to how do I change my email address in Agoda? In the above article, we’ve discussed how you can change your phone number, password, name and email in Agoda account.

However, users can also write their experiences in the comment section below. We’ll publish your reviews on our site. Be honest while writing your review because it will help new users in the future.

By WikiAns

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