How to contact email boohoo customer care helpline number is available here. If you are looking for a boohoo customer care number then you are in right place. On this page, you will know about boohoo helpline number 01061 236 4640. This number is of boohoo head office.  You can contact on this helpline for complaints, return policy, or track a UK delivery.

How to Cancel or Edit Order on Boohoo?

First of all, you have to get login into your account in order to cancel or edit orders on boohoo.  Unfortunately, you don’t have the option to cancel or make any changes to your order on boohoo.

Once you have placed the order then you can return any unwanted items. After the return, you will get a refund for your account. Here you can get the best answer of how to return items, clothes, parcel order back to boohoo.

How to track parcel order items on Boohoo?

Here you will learn about how you can track parcel order items on boohoo. In order to track your parcel or a boohoo order, you will need to enter the order number.

This number is available on the order confirmation or dispatch email.  You can find your boohoo order number by logging into your account here. After that just go to “Order History” and there you can see it.


It will possible that your order could be in boohoo warehouse, awaiting dispatch, with the courier service on its way, or has delivered. The first thing related to tracking your order is to make sure that you have a dispatch email with you.

If you have, then it’s on its way.  If you don’t have the dispatch email and you’ve checked it in all junk folders then your order is waiting to leave the boohoo warehouse.

Once you got the dispatch email then you can track your parcel by the link present in the email. You can also track your order by visiting the official webpage of the boohoo website.

How to Email Boohoo

Here is the email address of boohoo. You don’t need to go anywhere to find the answer to how to email boohoo. It is available on our page. Boohoo’s email address is  

How can I contact boohoo? Contact them by using the above email address. Customers can also contact boohoo by using tweeter at @boohoo_cshelp.

What to do if the boohoo order gets late

If you are sure that your order is late then you can calculate or check shipping timescales here. On the off chance that it’s before the prompted shipping date and you’ve had your dispatch email, at that point, it’s on its way.

Your shipping date must have passed for Boohoo to have the option to explore where your request is. On uncommon events, boohoo delivery does face a hindrance.

Why boohoo has canceled my order?

If you have purchased something for you and after some time you received a cancellation email from boohoo then you don’t need to be worried. It could be possible when the product was not in the warehouse. 

In this case, you will get a cancellation email regarding your order. After that boohoo will make a refund to your payment method used. The time period of refund may take up to seven days.

It will also depend upon your bank’s processing time. If you don’t get your refund then you can contact boohoo at


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One thought on “How to Contact Email Boohoo Customer Care Helpline Number”
  1. i gave my email got a delivery date but one if the items i paid for is missing i need the longer dress for a special iccasion and when shown pictures of what was ordered only one item appeared i must have it for this ovvasion and i didnt pay -almost 80 for a little blazer dress only please help

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